Create a database

$ createdb sample_app_test

Create a database via psql

pg=# CREATE DATABASE sample_app_test

Drop a database

$ dropdb "sample_app_test"

Drop a database via psql

pg=# DROP DATABASE sample_app_test

Run command on psql without logging in

$ psql -c "\l"

Connect to a database

pg=# \c sample_app_test

Start psql with a database

$ psql sample_app_development

List all databases within psql

postgres=# \l

List all tables within a database

sample_app_development=# \d

Create a table

pg=# CREATE TABLE cities (
pg(#   city_code char(2) PRIMARY KEY,
pg(#   city_name text UNIQUE
pg(# );

Insert a row

pg=# INSERT INTO cities (city_code, city_name)
pg-# VALUES ('sv', 'Sunnyvale'), ('mv', 'Mountain View');

Insert a row (shorthand)

pg=# INSERT INTO cities
pg-# VALUES ('sv', 'Sunnyvale'), ('mv', 'Mountain View');

Update a row

pg=# UPDATE users
pg-# SET is_approved = true
pg-# WHERE email = '';

Drop a row

pg=# DELETE FROM users
pg-# WHERE email = '';

Inner join

pg=# SELECT users.first_name, users.last_name
pg-# FROM users INNER JOIN offers
pg-# ON = offers.user_id;

Inner join with alias

pg=# SELECT u.first_name, u.last_name
pg-# FROM users u INNER JOIN offers o
pg-# ON = o.user_id;

Aggregate functions

pg=# INSERT INTO events (title, starts, ends, location_id)
pg-#    VALUES ('My 23rd Birthday Party',
pg-#    '2012-12-25 17:00:00', '2012-12-26 00:00:00', (
pg-#        SELECT location_id
pg-#        FROM locations
pg-#        WHERE name = 'Palo Alto'
pg-#    )
pg-# );

Tuple Variables/Alias

loans(loan_id, amount)

Find loans that are greater in amount than some loan in loans.

pg=# SELECT DISTINCT l1.loan_id
pg-# FROM loans l1, loans l2
pg-# WHERE l1.amount > l2.amount

Why is the DISTINCT there? If DISTINCT isn’t used, for each pair of tuples such that l1.amount > l2.amount, l1.loan_id will appear. For example, let’s assume the following tuples exist in the table:

(1, 10.00)
(2, 20.43)
(3, 31.29)

Without DISTINCT, the second tuple will be returned once, and the third tuple will be returned twice. There is one pair such that the second tuple’s amount is greater than the other tuple’s amount. There are two pairs such that the third tuple’s amount is greater than the other tuple’s amount. Using DISTINCT removes all the redundant tuples.
