How to set up custom CSS in Mezzanine

$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ virtualenv -p python3 .env
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ echo "mezzanine==4.2.3" > requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ mezzanine-project myproject
$ cd myproject
$ python createdb
$ python collecttemplates -t base.html # just copy the base template over
# you should see a templates directory now
$ mkdir -p static/css # this should be done in the myproject/ directory
$ curl -o "static/css/"
# Go to templates/base.html and add a link to the stylesheet above

How to setup Pycharm with a virtualenv

On the Mac, Command + , or Pycharm -> Preferences -> Project interpreter -> ~/path/to/.env/bin/python3.6

Django Internals

When python runserver is run, execute_from_command_line from calls ManagementUtility#execute, which takes the subcommand runserver. This subcommand is eventually passed to a dictionary that maps strings to callbacks. The runserver subcommand is then called. django.setup in django/ Eventually, is called. This method leads to the start up of a WSGIServer.

When a request hits the server, a RegexURLResolver maps the request’s path to one of a list of URLs.

How does the Django development server know to reload a module?

Django monitors every file and checks if the mtime of the file matches its old mtime. If it doesn’t, then it reloads the file.

Django settings is essentially a more complicated Python dictionary.

Django templates and apps

For every installed app, Django will use its templates.

Django’s template loader will automatically discover templates and static resources in‐ side the installed apps.

Mezzanine Internals

python runserver first sets the environment variable, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, to the settings module in the project directory.